About us

How does it work?

Parcel Suppliers is designed specifically for B to B supplier/manufacturers that supply parts destined for field based engineers.

Our network of 320 Parcel Holders PickUp DropOff points allows consignments of parts to be 'drop shipped direct' to engineers. We call this service 'Pick 'n' Collect' - components are picked from your warehouse and collected by your customer's engineer from one of our PUDOs.

We offer the largest carrier independent PUDO network in the UK which means that suppliers use their existing delivery company to send consignments to our PUDOs.

When consignments arrive, our PUDO staff sign the delivery company Proof Of Delivery (POD) and the appropriate engineer is emailed and/or texted a secure PickUp pin, in order to pick up the parcel.

Your customers access the PUDO network via the Parcel Holders portal. Parcel Holders handles the administration of consignments and engineers and takes payment for the use of the service. When your customers order components, an email is sent to your dispatch team with full addressing instructions. We pay suppliers for each correctly addressed consignment delivered to our PUDOs. Details of these payments are provided once suppliers have completed the Parcel Suppliers registration process.

There is no cost to become a member of Parcel Suppliers. Once membership has been approved, you may invite your customers to create Parcel Holders accounts from the Parcel Suppliers log in area.

The benefits

Multiply your distribution options

Our system automatically informs you and your customers the moment the order is processed, the moment it is collected by the delivery company and the moment it is ready for pick up from the PUDO.

Our PUDOs are well placed convenience stores. Though this network of shops, we give your business a distribution network to rival the largest bricks and mortar retail brands. Plus, rather than having to lay out investment in a distribution network, your business earns revenue each time your customer elects to have a delivery sent to one of our PUDOs.

Our award-winning system works with all UK delivery companies.

Designed for today's mobile engineer

Our network of PUDOs is growing daily; we always aim to set up a PUDO to suit each engineer. If we don't have a PUDO within five miles of your customers' engineers, we'll recruit one! We provide ongoing customer support, a free call or text away from your customers and their engineers.

We always recommend our Parcel Suppliers Members invite their customers to open a free, no obligation Parcel Holders account. We even provide Parcel Holders account holders a free trial because we know that once they have used the service a couple of times and experience the benefits first hand, they won't want to receive deliveries any other way. They also have the added advantage of being able to request us to recruit PUDO's to order, free of charge.

In addition, if you invite your customers through your Parcel Suppliers account, they can instantly connect their Parcel Holders account to your Parcel Suppliers account. Parcel Holders customers love using Parcel Suppliers because they get live updates about their consignments. This information not only helps them plan their working day but also ensures their customers have confidence in the service they provide - for the first time, they are able to predict with precision when their engineers will have customers' equipment fixed.

Turn fulfilment costs into profits

In an effort to speed up the process, your customers are likely instructing you to send parts consignments to their technicians' homes, client sites and/or their own make-shift delivery points. And if so, you'll be all too familiar with the frustrations and inefficiencies of such work-around solutions and the costs required in order that they function.

Having engineers waiting in at home for deliveries or travelling up and down the motorway 'taxiing' parts is a costly and inefficient use of their time. Equally, sending consignments of parts directly to client sites, where they are needed, is as often also fraught with difficulties: You may be familiar with time-consuming conversations between your customers and their clients; your customers and your customer service department; your customer service department and the customer service department of the delivery company you chose to send the consignment through; and perhaps, a call from the delivery company's customer service department to the person who was supposed to have made the delivery, followed by a call-back from all these parties to relay any information gleaned!... All of which causes delays and frustration for all parties involved and a considerable waste of time that could be better spent on profitable activities by all.

In contrast, using the Parcel Suppliers PUDO service not only ensures you get your consignment of parts into the right person's hands in the fastest possible time, but also transforms what was once a 'cost centre' for your business into an 'income generator', as we pay suppliers a percentage of the fees, to offer our service.

Best of all, your customers will be delighted because our PUDO service saves them time getting parts where they are needed, fuel travelling to track down parts and wasted labour hours that could have been spent completing more jobs. All meaning they will look to you first when wanting to supply their mobile work force.

Ultimately, Parcel Suppliers will reduce the time it takes your products to get into the hands of your end-users. It will eliminate failed deliveries returned to you. It will reduce the time that your customer services department has to spend on the phone to delivery companies and to third parties dragged into the delivery process such neighbours and spouses and your customers' clients. It will provide a transparent supply chain and on top of all that, an extra income stream for your business.